Welcome to the Ophthalmology Residency Program at the University of British Columbia! At UBC, we are proud of our 5 year training program – it is designed to support the goals of our residents, and provide them with the recourses they need to become outstanding ophthalmologists. In PGY1, residents spend 8 weeks in ophthalmology to promote their residents into the program. During the following four years (PGY2 – PGY5), residents rotate through training experiences providing exposure to comprehensive ophthalmology and all subspecialties. Our residents gain exposure to diverse and complex cases and are trained to manage these wide range of presentations. Our program has regular clinical rounds, wet-lab training and formal didactic sessions. Residents are encouraged to pursue passions within ophthalmology through electives & selective opportunities and research projects. After graduation, many have flourished as general ophthalmologists, while others have pursued subspecialty fellowships. Our residents are cohesive group, working collaboratively with staff to provide exceptional patient care within a supportive environment. Residents are further supported within our mentorship program as well as our program’s formal and informal social events. If you have questions, please reach out to us at opth.education@ubc.ca.